Schlagwort-Archive: Kapitalismuskritik

Naomi Klein
Coronavirus Capitalism — and How to Beat It

Coronavirus Capitalism — and How to Beat It

Naomi Klein, Journalistin, Autorin und Aktivistin: „I’VE SPENT TWO decades studying the transformations that take place under the cover of disaster. I’ve learned that one thing we can count on is this: During moments of cataclysmic change, the previously unthinkable suddenly becomes reality. In recent decades, that change has mainly been for the worst — but this has not always been the case. And it need not continue to be in the future. This video is about the ways the still-unfolding Covid-19 crisis is already remaking our sense of the possible […]“ Weiter zum vollständigen Text über den Videobeitrag auf The Intercept.

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