Climate Change and Climate Policy in Trump’s Post-Factual Era

Mo, 29. Mai 2017, 19:15 Uhr
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen, Karlstraße 3, 72072 Tübingen
Veranstalter: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, d.a.i. Tübingen
Wichtiges: Eintritt 6,- / 3,- / Mitglieder frei

Talk with Dr. Denise Keele, Western Michigan University, and Boris Palmer

After providing a historical overview of the foundations and evolution of U.S. environmental politics and policy, this talk will explore the current legal and political challenges to environmental governance, including the specific policies of President Trump and the Republican Congress. In addition to suggesting potential lessons from history about the U.S. political system and policy change over time, we will identify opportunities for the U.S. to respond to global environmental threats such as climate change. Interestingly, progress is happening on a local and state level rather than on a national level – California and Baden-Württemberg have signed an agreement (together with other regions) to collaborate more intensely in order to fight climate change.

Denise Keele is Associate Professor of Political Science, jointly appointed with the Institute of the Environment & Sustainability, at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan USA. Her research and teaching focus on environmental policy and law, in particular the use of the courts to influence public policy.

Moderation and Discussion:
Boris Palmer, Lord Mayor, City of Tübingen

Verschlagwortet mit: aktuelle Politik, Umweltschutz/Ökologie, USA

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