Out of the Shadows, Into the Spotlight
Some Straight-talk about Immigration in America

Di, 27. September 2016, 19:00 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Byrnes-Institut Stuttgart, Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart
Veranstalter: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, in Zusammenarbeit mit der US-Botschaft Berlin, dem daz Stuttgart sowie der Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Wichtiges: Eintritt frei

Auf Englisch von Peter Skerry, moderiert von Ayse Özbabacan

Immigration is one of the top issues in the 2016 U.S. elections, as it has been in the Brexit debates and the recent refugee crisis in Europe. Muslim Americans are inevitably drawn into these debates. But can we even speak of “Muslim Americans”? The fact is that the Muslims in America are an extremely differentiated and divided agglomeration of individuals and groups from diverse parts of the world, with dissimilar histories, traditions, values, and human capital. One of the forces pushing Muslims to coalesce under one identity is the hostility toward and lack of knowledge about them on the part of many other Americans.

Peter Skerry is Professor of Political Science at Boston College, where his research focuses on social policy, racial and ethnic politics, and immigration His current project is a study of the social, cultural, and political integration of Muslims and Arabs in the United States.

Ayse Özbabacan, Department for Integration Policy of the City of Stuttgart.

Der Veranstaltungsraum befindet sich im Innenhof, Eingang Nr. 3, 3. Stock.

Verschlagwortet mit: aktuelle Politik, Migration & Flucht, Soziologie, USA

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